NVDA 2019.3 Beta 1 is available
NVDA 2019.3 beta 1 has been released today. It is a huge milestone in the history of this free and open-source screen reader.
How to use the extended clipboard in Windows 10
Since the update from October 2018, (Version 1809), Windows 10 has had an extended clipboard feature. Here’s how you turn it on and use it.
The myth of getting rich through ads
Some of you may have noticed that since May, my blog is displaying ads here and there. It was kind of an experiment, and here are my conclusions after six months.
Do's and don'ts on Hamburger menus
Today, just a quick reading tip for you. Michael Scharnagl posted a great article on Wednesday about when to use Hamburger menus, when not to use them, and what to consider for each decision. And that includes accessibility. Thank you, Michael!
Quickly bringing up context menus in VoiceOver in iOS 13.2
Since the release of iOS 13, Apple and app developers have put more emphasis on context menus in apps such as Files, Mail, or on home screen icons. in iOS 13, Apple made it a lot easier for VoiceOver users to get to these.
A good read: How to make ads responsive
A friend of mine published his very first blog post on Monday. Congratulations, Schepp, and welcome to the world of blogging! His post is not related to web accessibility, but I found it a fascinating read, so am sharing it with you. He describes how he wrangled ads into the responsive (and accessible) relaunch of the media company’s web site he is working on. But be warned, it’s not for the faint of heart, and very technical. And fascinating. 🙂
12 years at Mozilla
Today marks my 12th anniversary working for Mozilla. I started on December 3, 2007, as a contractor, and moved to a full employment 13 months later, in January 2009. So in January this year, I was employed there 10 years.
Why AI will never replace human picture descriptions
Yes, a bold statement, I know, but this piece by Dr. Elizabeth Fernandez made my conviction even stronger.
Sentimental Me
This year, I am noticing an increased number of sentimental waves, as well as an unusually strong afinity towards the Christmas holiday season.
A curious web standards celebration
Have you heard of Blue Beanie Day before? Well, I have, but only because I have been involved with web standards and accessibility for so long. The Cute Calendar has all information.