Long-form articles and guides
In this section, you'll find long-form articles and guides which would exceed the scope of a normal blog post.
How to use NVDA and Firefox to test your web pages for accessibility
This article aims to provide a guide to testing your web sites or web applications using both NVDA and Firefox. These are some of the tools available to visually impaired users who will benefit from your sites being accessible. While there are many tools available to check whether your pages are semantically correct, it is always helpful to also use a real screen reader to hear what your pages would sound like to a blind visitor.
The web accessibility basics
I’ve been asked again and again over the years what the absolute basics of web accessibility are. And while I always thought that it is not so difficult to find resources about these basics, the recurrence of that question prompted me to finally write my own take on this topic. So here it is, my list of absolute web accessibility basics every web developer should know about.